

Org-page example

How to op/new-post

Open Emacs, if you are not already in Emacs.


Get it from Melpa (community emacs package repository), say, using

M-x list-packages
C-s org-page

\[i\] for mark-install, \[x\] for execute-marked.

You might need to add melpa as a source.


See the creator's git

For example, you can set your disqus and a google analytics ID.

  • The way Github credentials like to be stored seems insecure.   aside
  • If you use a github repository your github page tracks that naturally   aside

Regular usage

  1. Decide to write a post
M-x op/new-post
  1. Follow the prompts

I don't have tags and keywords sussed yet.

  1. org-mode your life in plain text

I find the next step confusing.

  1. Open a shell.
M-x op/do-post

has checked out a local branch, "source" in your local github-page repo.

These are the .org source that exports into your static html site.

  1. Just \[\textit{commit}\] your changes to this branch. THEN
M-x op/do-publication
    1. Yes, all org files is fine.
    2. No, I don't want to stage this locally
    3. Yes commit (default)
    4. Yes push
  1. Wait for about a minute after it pushes.



DONE Figure out exactly what org-page wants you to do to embed pictures.

TODO Extend org-page for embedding videos in iframes, if this doesn't already exist

TODO Make a DSL in R for the YouTube API


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