

Using an org-mode agenda


I generate a lot of to-dos, but need to be revisiting and signing them off!

Note right now I am using Centos 7, Gnome, emacs 27 that I have already set up a bit.


DONE <2019-02-03 Sun> Open emacs for editing in org-mode

  • CLOSING NOTE [2019-02-03 Sun 16:07]
    In fact, I am editing this file with emacs.

Since I use multiple workspaces, I start one emacs session in the background

emacs --daemon

Connecting into my running emacs

emacsclient -c

Exiting just the connection is   aside

M-x 5 0

Making an example in org   aside

<e <tab>

tab autocompletes to



With one less #.

Inserting a heading in org

C- <enter>

Inserting a date

C-c .

Inserting a TODO in org


Convert a heading to a TODO

C-c t


  • heading
  • TODO
  • DONE

I set mine to prompt for comments for and timestamp dones. You can fix up the expansions/autocompletes after if needed.

DONE Make an org file

  • CLOSING NOTE [2019-02-03 Sun 16:15]
    In fact, using this file.
C-x C-f

Agenda view

Add some todos. Then

C-c [

adds the current file to the agenda file list.

C-c a t

shows all the (open) TODOs.

Global list of TODO items of type: ALL
Available with ‘N r’: (0)[ALL] (1)TODO (2)DONE
  org-agenda-use:TODO <2019-02-03 Sun> Open emacs for editing in org-mode
  org-agenda-use:TODO Make an org file

After closing the first TODO (

M-g g 17
C-c t
<close message>
C-c C-c

) my todo list is now:

Global list of TODO items of type: ALL
Available with ‘N r’: (0)[ALL] (1)TODO (2)DONE
  org-agenda-use:TODO Make an org file


C-c a n
Week-agenda (W05):
Monday     28 January 2019 W05
Tuesday    29 January 2019
Wednesday  30 January 2019
Thursday   31 January 2019
Friday      1 February 2019
Saturday    2 February 2019
Sunday      3 February 2019
  org-agenda-use:DONE Open emacs for editing in org-mode
  org-agenda-use:TODO Make an org file

Global list of TODO items of type: ALL
  org-agenda-use:TODO Make an org file

Clicking on an agenda item takes you to its file location (for editing, for example).


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